Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Mombo Nursing Pillow vs The Boppy

Shortly after Christian was born, I complied a list of "breastfeeding essentials." 

One of those essentials, was a nursing pillow

We are long past our days of nursing pillows, but boy are they handy for more than just nursing! These pillows have so many other uses, they truly are an essential even if you aren't nursing! During those early days, weeks, and even months, my boppy was my best friend! I couldn't imagine nursing without one! It made nursing so much easier and more having to hold a squirming baby trying to get him to latch and have him in the right position all at once...I don't have that many hands! 

It was also very helpful for little people meeting our baby boy for the first time :) 

The boppy was also great for tummy time, helping Christian to prop himself up more so that he would have to hold his head up. 

After he got that down, the boppy then became a great support for helping him to sit! In those first few weeks of sitting, Christian was pretty tippy and not able to stay up for long unassisted, but the boppy was there to cushion his fall if he would start to tip (and sometimes even keep him from tipping!). 

Around 4 months old, Christian was big enough that I didn't need to use the boppy for nursing any more, but like I mentioned, it still had a use at our house! A few months later, though I was introduced to the Mombo Nursing Pillow! Man do I wish I had tried this pillow instead of going with the well known boppy

The Mombo Nursing Pillow can do EVERYTHING the boppy can do...AND MORE! 
Hard to believe, right!? Well, its true. Oh, and did I mention they are the SAME PRICE!?!? 
So why not get the Mombo!?

Even Christian's friend, Judson, likes the Mombo more! (below) 

You can buy the Mombo Nursing Pillow online or in stores at Babies 'R' Us. 

As a nursing pillow, the Mombo would even be my preferred pillow as it has a firm side which better supports baby during nursing and doesn't seem to flatten and slide out like the boppy often does. Actually, if you are familiar with a Brestfriend, it is this same firmness, but still allows for the other functions as well (tummy time, lounging, sitting, etc). 

Some of my favorite things about the Mombo Nursing Pillow (that the boppy does not have):

Firm side (like mentioned above) 
Soft side for lounging 
Soothing vibration (easily removable for washing) 
Better inner shape for allowing baby to practice sitting 

There are also multiple different covers that you can get for the Mombo Nursing Pillow, just like the boppy so you can always have spares on hand for after those messy spit ups that are bound to happen! 

Also, the Mombo Nursing Pillow now also has a toy bar attachment! When you are not using the pillow for nursing, plain lounging, tummy time or practice sitting, you can attach this bar for a little added entertainment. Turn on the soothing vibrator and you have something quite similar to an infant seat (but takes up a lot less space)! 
--Also available at Babies 'R' Us

The only down sides I found to both of these products are: 

The firmness of the Mombo may not allow for stretching wide enough to fit around a bigger mom

The toy bar is quite a hassle to get on and off the pillow

I'm so excited to have a Mombo for my next little one and I will be recommending this pillow to all my new mom more boppy! 

Do you use a nursing pillow? 
What's your favorite pillow and why? 

Mom's LOVE Mombo! 
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*I was provided complimentary products for the purpose of this review, but all opinions and views are 100% my own*


  1. I did not have a nursing pillow and really didn't think much about it, but will be considering it maybe down the road?

  2. I loooove the Mombo! I like the versatility & thanks for the ideas for use as my LO grows bigger!

  3. Yay! Glad you love it! :) Thanks for stopping by :)


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