Monday, February 9, 2015

Christian James -- 20 Months

Little man you are almost 2 years old!!! Only 4 months to go (well less than that because you were 20 months old on January 29th). I must say that I am looking forward to you being 2 years old for at least 1 reason -- I can stop counting months and just say you are 2! Its starting to get hard to keep track! 

These updates aren't monthly any more, but I figured I would try to update at least one more time before you turn 2 (and then I will just update yearly!).  You are sure changing a lot these days, though. So mommy is trying to soak up all the little details even if she is rocking you for a nap because you are cranky some times.

You have always had quite the little personality but boy, is it shining through more and more. 

We recently got a video camera monitor for your room because we are trying to transition you to your toddler bed (but don't always like to stay in bed so the camera helps us know when you break out). "Hi" was one of your first words you started saying around 1 year old but then you stopped. It has again returned as you love to say hi to the camera. As we were walking out of the mall the other day, you were holding daddy's hand and saw some teenage girls walking into the mall and you just kept saying "hi, hi, hi" to them. Such a ladies man you are! 

You are definitely quite a social little guy. You love making friends and warm up to people quite quickly! It's so fun to see you with your small group friends. Jackson particularly has become your buddy. He always wants to sit by you and have you play with him and you happily oblige :) 

You were looking quite stylin' in this picture as well...can you say "laundry day"? :)

Right around Christmas sleep started to become a struggle for you again. I think it was partly due to traveling for Christmas and partly due to getting teeth. Those little buggers still haven't popped through! You have been grabbing at your mouth a lot lately, though, so hopefully soon! 

You are now back to sleeping from about 7pm to 7:30/8am. Some nights you stay awake a little later. You have been going to sleep on your own in your crib but you like some down time to read on your own in your bed first. You are your mama's boy :) 

Nap time is slowly moving later too. You used to nap around 11/11:30am but now its closer to 12/12:30 or even 1pm. You usually will sleep for about 2-3 hours. 

What our days usually look like now: 

7:30/8am Wake up, eat a banana and watch a show while mommy makes breakfast
8:30am Eat Breakfast and do devotions 
9am Clean up and do dishes, get dressed
9:30am Head out for our morning activity or play at home 
10am Snack Time 
11:30am Lunch
12pm  Read stories and nap 
2/2:30pm Snack Time 
3pm Afternoon learning activity -- practice colors, sing songs, sensory activity, art project
4pm Free Play while mommy starts dinner
5pm Dinner Time 
6pm Bath Time with Daddy 
Play or watch a show if there is time 
6:30pm Brush teeth and read stories and get ready for bed 
7pm Bed time 

You are also officially weaned! After 20 months of nursing, we cut out the last session before bed time when mommy started bleeding during pregnancy in case it was that which was causing the bleeding. 

You became a big brother to a baby in heaven this month. Someday you will get to run and play together with Jesus.

You are talking up a storm now too! You can repeat almost anything we ask you to now (or will at least try). 

Your Words: 
Pease = Please
Back = Bax
Oooo ooo aaahh ahhh 
Tow = Cow 
Help Pease = Help Please
Up Pease = Up Please
Na na = Banana
Dis = This
Dat = That
Sitch = Switch 
Uh oh
Daw = Down 
Nose = snow
Wa wa = Water
Turch = Church
Choo Choo = Train

We have really been working with you to use your words because sometimes you get so frustrated and just whine because we don't know what you want (or mommy can usually guess and give it to you...) but now you are starting to talk instead which is helpful. 

When you don't use your words or don't get what you want...this usually results...

We haven't had much more success with the potty. You don't seem as interested in sitting on it any more, which makes for a challenge. However, when big kids are over and use the potty, then you will go! We may try the 3 day method soon.

Not much as changed in terms of your 'likes': 

"Reading" books, especially your Bible
Brushing your teeth
"Talking" on the phone...especially the real phone!
Washing the dishes
Painting and coloring-- you will often ask to color now and know where your color stuff is
Your lovey and your binky
Music!! You will play the piano and dance, dance, dance! 
Singing songs -- you've started singing "Row, Row, Row your boat" and "The ABCs"
Bath time 
Your broom/sweeping
Playing outside
Playing with the squirt bottle
Tackling and wrestling
Giving hugs and kisses {most of the time}
Fruit! You could eat fruit all day long
Watching Shows 
Trains aka "Choo Choos" 

Not getting your way and being told "no" 
Going to bed 

Your eating preferences change by the day. Something you love for dinner one night you will refuse for lunch the next day. Maybe you are just like your daddy and don't like leftovers? I always have to pack lots of snacks for you when we go out because I never know what you will actually like to eat. 

You are starting to drink a few sips of cow's milk here and there but you still aren't a fan. 

You are still in size 5 diapers. 

For clothes, you are mainly in 18 month pants {although some are getting too short, but are also in some 2T and even 1 pair of 3T}. Shirts are mostly 2T but 3T is seeming to fit better {longer sleeves}. Pajamas are also 2T and 3T. You are still our big boy! 

I weighed you the other day and you are still hovering at 29 pounds.

Not sure where you are height wise these days....

We love you so much baby boy and are loving watching you turn into a little man!!! 
Everyday is so fun with you....even when you are a little monster :) 
Love you to the moon and back!! 

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